- BloGTK 1.1
- BloGTK 2.0
- Bilbo
Bilbo is highly simplistic and don't think it supports metaweblog/movabletype.
BloGTK 1.1 looks good, but I found that 2.0 is released so I went on to install. Found that there's no repo with 2.0, so had to install from source. Once I did, it did not work when I clicked the icon in the menu. Needed to install the following before it would work
- python-gdata
- gnome-python2-gtkspell
All said, none of them really match the features currently provided by
ScribeFire. A real WYSIWYG is missing in BloGTK, since I dont want to keep typing HTML syntax.
Update: After the post is saved, I saw that BlogTK screwed up the paragraphs, so it's a no-no until there's a good WYSIWYG.