
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Trying out desktop blogging clients for Linux (Fedora)

I'm trying out blogging clients for gnome, and so far have reviewed the following ones
  1. BloGTK 1.1
  2. BloGTK 2.0
  3. Bilbo

Of the above it was very easy to install BloGTK 1.1 & Bilbo. They were in the fedora repositories and installed like breeze.

Bilbo is highly simplistic and don't think it supports metaweblog/movabletype.

BloGTK 1.1 looks good, but I found that 2.0 is released so I went on to install. Found that there's no repo with 2.0, so had to install from source. Once I did, it did not work when I clicked the icon in the menu. Needed to install the following before it would work
  1. python-gdata
  2. gnome-python2-gtkspell

Once it worked, I was able to post to my blogger account (this post!). Going ahead to try posting to wordpress and Joomla now. Would really like to see more features in BloGTK like the ability to upload images.

All said, none of them really match the features currently provided by
ScribeFire. A real WYSIWYG is missing in BloGTK, since I dont want to keep typing HTML syntax.

Update: After the post is saved, I saw that BlogTK screwed up the paragraphs, so it's a no-no until there's a good WYSIWYG.

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